To provide free educational facilities to the students for enhancement of literacy rate by setting up schools and colleges.
To set up technical training centres, vocational /skill training centres, computer study centres, study centres personality grooming centres libraries for general public.
To sponsor, arrange, organize the holding of lectures, conferences ,seminars & classes, and establish educational institutions for achieving trust’s objects within the territory.
To unite the mankind irrespective of their religion, ethnicity, caste, race or language on an unbiased forum, through which they could contribute to the welfare of deserving /needy human beings.
Providing free legal aid tothe poor mitigate who cannot afford litigation expenses for availability of justice to them, and also to pay financial penalties of all prisoners who are unable to pay.
To provide amenities of life to the victim of natural disasters.
To free medical facilities, motivational sessions for the treatment of diseases by setting up dispensaries, hospitals and maternity homes.
To provide financial assistance to poor, widows, needy and orphans, and also provide financial help at the time of marriages of orphan girls.
To create awareness for the increase of education in women & children.
Any charitable work for the human beings without cost and creed.